Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Obama Stimulus funding??????????????????

After Obama became the president of United states, his administration declared that they are going to provide stimulus funding worth $14 Billion for research in life sciences................Many institutes all over United states would have had applied but how many did really got benefited or in the process of getting the stimulus package..........Did the fund money reached the target audience who needed the most to accelerate their research?

1 comment:

  1. In this stimulus package, which is called as American Recovery and Restructuring Act (ARRA), the money would go to very specific institutions (true for every industry not only in Life Science, like), which are crucial to American business and could benefit the local economy and strengthen the job market, like new construction to build roads and bridges. I am not sure about who were supposed to get the grant in life science, but it would take some time to see the effect of the stimulus especially in research. American government has web site which actually shows you the flow of money and there is another one coming up shortly to give you more detail view about each dime, that is spent on this package. The current web site is called

    The new one is being built as we speak.
